ISO 16425 pdf download

ISO 16425 pdf download

ISO 16425 pdf download Ships and marine technology — Guidelines for the installation of ship communication networks for shipboard equipment and systems Scope This International Standard specifies installation guidelines for ship communication networks forimproving communication for shipboard equipment and systems that are independentfrom navigationalequipment networks and engine-control networks. This International Standard utilizes existing standards relating to protocols, and provides newguidelines...

ISO 16781 pdf download

ISO 16781 pdf download

ISO 16781 pdf download Space systems — Simulation requirements for control system 1 Scope This International Standard provides guidance to control system engineers on what to simulate and how to use simulation to support their system engineering tasks. Ground testing limitations typically preclude a comprehensive “test as you fly” approach to most space system control systems. Likewise, flight tests are...

ISO 17091 pdf download

ISO 17091 pdf download

ISO 17091 pdf download Workplace air — Determination of lithium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and calcium dihydroxide — Method by measurement of corresponding cations by suppressed ion chromatography Scope This International Standard specifies a method for the determination ofthe time-weighted average massconcentration oflithium hydroxide (LiOH), sodium hydroxide (Na0H), potassium hydroxide (KOH),andcalcium dihydroxide (Ca(OH)2] in workplace air by collection of...

ISO 17304 pdf download

ISO 17304 pdf download

ISO 17304 pdf download Dentistry — Polymerization shrinkage: Method for determination of polymerization shrinkage of polymer-based restorative materials Scope This International Standard specifies a test method for the measurement of the polymerizationshrinkage of external energy-activated polymer-based restorative materials such as composites andcore materials. The method is not suitable for Class 1 (self-curing, see ISO 4049) polymer-based restorative materials. 2 Normative...

ISO 17682 pdf download

ISO 17682 pdf download

ISO 17682 pdf download Ships and marine technology — Methodology for ship launching utilizing air bags Scope This International Standard specifies general guidelines for ship launching utilizing air bags, includingthe specification of the ship and facilities such as air bags, slipway, towing arrangements, the launchingprocedure,and safeguards during the ship launching. This International Standard is applicable to ships meeting the requirements...

ISO 17718 pdf download

ISO 17718 pdf download

ISO 17718 pdf download wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Scope This International Standard specifies the determination of rheological behaviour as a function olmixing and temperature increase. lt is applicable to all wholemeal and flour samples from industrial orlaboratory milling of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.. NOTEWheat can be milled in the laboratory according to the methods described in ISO 2797115] or in...

ISO 17992 pdf download

ISO 17992 pdf download

ISO 17992 pdf download Iron ores — Determination of arsenic content — Hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometric method 1 Scope This International Standard specifies a hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of the arsenic content of iron ore. This International Standard is applicable to mass fractions of arsenic between 0,000 66 % and 0,020 15 % in...

ISO 18382 pdf download

ISO 18382 pdf download

ISO 18382 pdf download Space data and information transfer systems — Spacecraft onboard interface services — RFID-based inventory management systems Scope This International Standard provides recommended practices for the utilization of Radio Frequencydentification (RFID) protocol and communication standards in support of inventory management activitiesassociated with space missions. The recommended practices contained in this international Standard enable member agencies to select...

ISO 18421 pdf download

ISO 18421 pdf download

ISO 18421 pdf download Ships and marine technology — Inland navigation vessels — Lifebuoy housings Scope This International Standard stipulates the construction and dimensions of housing for lifebuoys.The housing serves to encase a lifebuoy to protect it against deterioration from the elements andagainst vandalism. 2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this...

ISO 18444 pdf download

ISO 18444 pdf download

ISO 18444 pdf download Space data and information transfer systems — Space Link Extension — Application Program Interface for Return Operational Control Fields Service Scope This lnternational Standard specifies extensions to the API needed for support of the Return OperationaControl Fields (ROCF) service defined in Space Link Extension-Return Operational Control Fields ServiceSpecification,CSDS 911.5-B-1. This International Standard defines extensions to the...