
ISO 18444 pdf download

ISO 18444 pdf download

ISO 18444 pdf download Space data and information transfer systems — Space Link Extension — Application Program Interface for Return Operational Control Fields Service
This lnternational Standard specifies extensions to the API needed for support of the Return OperationaControl Fields (ROCF) service defined in Space Link Extension-Return Operational Control Fields ServiceSpecification,CSDS 911.5-B-1.
This International Standard defines extensions to the SLE API in terms of:
the ROCF-specific functionality provided by API components;
the ROCF-specific interfaces provided by API components; and
the externally visible behavior associated with the ROCF interfaces exported by the components.
lt does not specify:
individual implementations or products;
the internal design of the components; and
the technology used for communications
This lnternational Standard defines only interfaces and behavior that must be provided by implementationssupporting the Return Operational Control Fields service in addition to the specification in Space LinkExtension-Application Program lnterface for Transfer Services-Core Specification, CCSDS 914.0-M-1.
The scope and field of application are furthermore detailed in subclause 1.3 of the enclosed CCSDSpublication.
2 Requirements
Requirements are the technical recommendations made in the following publication (reproduced on thefollowing pages), which is adopted as an international Standard:
CCSDS 915.5-M-1, October 2008, Space Link Extension – Application Program lnterface for ReturnOperational Control Fields Service.
For the purposes of international standardization, the modifications outlined below shall apply to the specificclauses and paragraphs of publication CCSDS 915.5-M-1.
Pages i to v
This part is information which is relevant to the CCSDS publication only.
Page 1-7
Add the following information to the reference indicated:
[1 ] Document CCSDS 91 0.4-B-2, October 2005, is equivalent to ISO 1 5396:2007.
[2] Document CCSDS 91 1 .5-B-1 , December 2004, is equivalent to ISO 261 43:2007.
[3] Document CCSDS 91 4.0-M-1 , October 2008, is equivalent to ISO 1 8441 :201 3.
Page C-1
Add the following information to the reference indicated:
[C3] Document CCSDS 91 3.1 -B-1 , September 2008, is equivalent to ISO 1 8440:201 3.
3 Revision of publication CCSDS 915.5-M-1
It has been agreed with the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems that Subcommittee
ISO/TC 20/SC 1 3 will be consulted in the event of any revision or amendment of publication CCSDS 91 5.5 M-1 . To this end, NASA will act as a liaison body between CCSDS and ISO.

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