ISO IEC 17310 pdf download

ISO IEC 17310 pdf download

ISO IEC 17310 pdf download Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Mapping functions for the employment of 64 kbit/s circuit mode connections with 16 kbit/s sub-multiplexing This International Standard defines the mapping functions in exchanges of Private Integrated Services Networks (PISNs)required for the utilization of scenarios in which 64 kbit/s circuit...

IEC 61966-4 pdf download

IEC 61966-4 pdf download

IEC 61966-4 pdf download Multimedia systems and equipment – Colour measurement and management – Part 4: Equipment using liquid crystal display panels 1 scope A series of characteristics for colour reproduction and management,and the associatedmethods of measurement for use in multimedia systems and equipment, are applicable to theassessment of colour reproduction. This part of lEC 61966 deals with equipment usingtransmissive-type...

IEC 61976 pdf download

IEC 61976 pdf download

IEC 61976 pdf download Nuclear instrumentation – Spectrometry – Characterization of the spectrum background in HPGe gamma-ray spectrometry 1 scope and object This International Standard applies to gamma-ray spectra collected with hyperpure germaniumdetectors (HPGe) for use in gamma-ray spectrometry, especially for low-background detectorsand measurements.This standard defines terms used to describe the background and thebackground spectrum itself.This standard does not present...

IEC 61977 pdf download

IEC 61977 pdf download

IEC 61977 pdf download Fibre optic filters – Generic specification 4.1.6 Normative reference extensions Normative reference extensions are used to identify independent standards specifications orother reference documents integrated into blank detail specifications. Unless a specified exception is noted,additional requirements imposed by an extension aremandatory. Usage is primarily intended to merge associated components to form hybriddevices,or integrated functional application requirements that...

IEC 61991 pdf download

IEC 61991 pdf download

IEC 61991 pdf download RAILWAY APPLICATIONS– ROLLING STOCK – Protective provisions against electrical hazards 1Scope IEC 61991 offers a set of rules that are applied in the design and manufacture of electricalinstallations and equipment to be used on rolling stock so as to protect the persons fromelectric shocks. The methods used to satisfy the rules may differ,in accordance with the...

IEC 62005-1 pdf download

IEC 62005-1 pdf download

IEC 62005-1 pdf download Reliability of fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components — Part 1: Introductory guide and definitions Extended qualification is based on real environments and typically involves accelerated testing.Extended qualification is required to assess the possibility of unknown degradation mech-anisms.The results often lead to corrective action and may require additional standard test andmeasurement procedures. They lead to...

IEC 62005-2 pdf download

IEC 62005-2 pdf download

IEC 62005-2 pdf download Reliability of fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components – Part 2: Quantitative assessment of reliability based on accelerated ageing tests – Temperature and humidity; steady state 1 Scope This part of IEC 62005 provides a basis for defining reliability tests for passive optical components. It provides advice on life testing procedures, the calculation of failure...

IEC 62019 pdf download

IEC 62019 pdf download

IEC 62019 pdf download Electrical accessories – Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use – Auxiliary contact units 1 Scope and object This International Standard applies to auxiliary electromechanical contact units associated (or intended to be associated) with circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection, and with residual current operated circuit-breakers with or without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar installations, having...

IEC 62023 pdf download

IEC 62023 pdf download

IEC 62023 pdf download Structuring of technical information and documentation 1 scope This International Standard provides rules for the structuring of technical information anddocumentation,based on the use of a main document (leading document) for the keepingtogether of information for each object. NOTE For the definition of a main document,see references The following normative documents contain provisions which,through reference in...

IEC 62044-3 pdf download

IEC 62044-3 pdf download

IEC 62044-3 pdf download Cores made of soft magnetic materials – Measuring methods – Part 3: Magnetic properties at high excitation level 1Scope This standard provides measuring methods for power loss and amplitude permeability ofmagnetic cores forming the closed magnetic circuits intended for use at high excitation levelsin inductors,chokes,transformers and similar devices for power electronics applications. The methods given in...