ISO IEC 17913 pdf download

ISO IEC 17913 pdf download

ISO IEC 17913 pdf download Information technology — 1 2,7 mm 128-track magnetic tape cartridge for information interchange — Parallel serpentine format 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the physical and magnetic characteristics of a magnetic tape cartridge, using a magnetic tape 12,7 mm wide, so as to provide physical interchange of such cartridges between drives. It also specifies the...

ISO IEC 18017 pdf download

ISO IEC 18017 pdf download

ISO IEC 18017 pdf download Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Mapping functions for the employment of Virtual Private Network scenarios The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitutc provisions of thisInternational Standard.For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do...

ISO IEC 18021 pdf download

ISO IEC 18021 pdf download

ISO IEC 18021 pdf download Information technology — User interfaces for mobile tools for management of database communications in a client-server model 1 Scope This International Standard defines user interface functions for management of database communication of an MBT client capable of interchanging data with an MBT server. This International Standard is applicable to MBT clients. This International Standard specifically...

ISO IEC 19058 pdf download

ISO IEC 19058 pdf download

ISO IEC 19058 pdf download Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Broadband Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Generic functional protocol 4 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the terms and definitions given in section 26.3 of AF-CS-0102.000 and the following apply. 4.1 Gateway PINX : The definition in...

ISO IEC 19460 pdf download

ISO IEC 19460 pdf download

ISO IEC 19460 pdf download Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Single Step Call Transfer supplementary service 1Scope This International Standard specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the Single Step Call Transfer supplementaryservice (Ss-SSCT) at the Q reference point between Private Integrated Network services eXchanges...

ISO IEC 20161 pdf download

ISO IEC 20161 pdf download

ISO IEC 20161 pdf download Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Use of QSIG at the C reference point between a PINX and an Interconnecting Network 1Scope This International Standard specifies the combination of base standards, together with the selection of appropriate options andparameter values,necessary to specify how QSIG/ PSSl can...

ISO IEC 20162 pdf download

ISO IEC 20162 pdf download

ISO IEC 20162 pdf download Information technology — Data interchange on 300 mm optical disk cartridges of type WORM (Write Once Read Many) using irreversible effects — Capacity: 30 Gbytes per cartridge 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the characteristics of a 300 mm optical disk cartridge (ODC) of Type WORM (Write Once Read Many) using irreversible effects, with a...

ISO IEC 21407 pdf download

ISO IEC 21407 pdf download

ISO IEC 21407 pdf download Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Specification, functional model and information flows — Simple dialog supplementary service 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the supplementary service Simple Dialog (SS-SD), which is applicable to various basic services supported by Private Integrated Services Networks (PISNs). Basic services are...

ISO IEC 21408 pdf download

ISO IEC 21408 pdf download

ISO IEC 21408 pdf download Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Inter-exchange signalling protocol — Simple dialog supplementary service 1Scope This International Standard specifies the signalling protocol for the support of the Simple Dialog supplementary service(SS-SD) at the Q reference point between Private Integrated services Network eXchanges (PINXs) connected together within...

ISO IEC 21992 pdf download

ISO IEC 21992 pdf download

ISO IEC 21992 pdf download Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Private Integrated Services Network — Mapping functions for the tunnelling of QSIG through IP networks 1 Scope This International Standard specifies functions for using a packet network that uses the Internet Protocol (IP)as its network layer protocol and UDP and TCP as its transport layer...