IEC 62053-22 pdf download

IEC 62053-22 pdf download

IEC 62053-22 pdf download Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) – Particular requirements – Part 22: Static meters for active energy (classes 0,2 S and 0,5 S) 1 Scope This part of lEC 62053 applies only to newly manufactured static watt-hour meters ofaccuracy classes 0,2 s and 0,5 S, for the measurement of alternating current electrical activeenergy in 50 Hz or 60...

IEC 62070 pdf download

IEC 62070 pdf download

IEC 62070 pdf download Broadcast digital video tape recorders – Identification method for recording and/or reproduction error status 1 Scope This International Standard specifies methods for indicating the record and/or reproductionerror status of broadcast-grade digital VTRs utilizing a Reed Solomon product error correctioncode. (This code is hereinafter referred to as RS.) This standard also specifies methods of measuring the error...

IEC 62077 pdf download

IEC 62077 pdf download

IEC 62077 pdf download Fibre optic circulators — Generic specification 1 General 1.1 Scope This International Standard applies to circulators used in the field of fibre optics bearing all of the following features: – they are non-reciprocal optical devices, in which each port is either an optical fibre or optical fibre connector; – they are passive components containing no opto-electronic...

IEC 62083 pdf download

IEC 62083 pdf download

IEC 62083 pdf download Medical electrical equipment — Requirements for the safety of radiotherapy treatment planning systems This International Standard applies to the design, manufacture and some installation aspects ofan RTPS – for use in RADIOTHERAPY TREATMENT PLANNING in human medical practice; – that imports data either through input by the OPERATOR or direct from other devices;- that outputs data...

IEC 62087 pdf download

IEC 62087 pdf download

IEC 62087 pdf download Methods of measurement for the power consumption of audio, video and related equipment 1 scope This International Standard specifies methods of measurement for the power consumption ofTV receivers,VCRs,Set Top Boxes(STBs), audio equipment and multi-function equipmentfor consumer use. Moreover the different modes of operation which are relevant for the power consumption aredefined. The methods of measurement are...

IEC 62088 pdf download

IEC 62088 pdf download

IEC 62088 pdf download Nuclear instrumentation – Photodiodes for scintillation detectors – Test procedures 1 Scope and object This International Standard applies to solid-state photodiodes(PD) and solid-state photodiodearrays (PDA) used in scintillation detectors or in Cherenkov detectors.Avalanche photodiodes(APD) are also covered by the test methods recommended in this standard, but they needsome additional specific tests also described in this standard....

IEC 62089 pdf download

IEC 62089 pdf download

IEC 62089 pdf download Nuclear instrumentation – Calibration and usage of alpha/beta gas proportional counters 1Scope and object This International Standard applies to alpha/beta gas proportional counting systems used forthe determination of the alpha-ray or beta-ray emission rates of radionuclides in samplecounting. The intent is to establish standard methods for calibration and use of alpha/beta gasproportional counters, including measurement of...

IEC 62092 pdf download

IEC 62092 pdf download

IEC 62092 pdf download Ultrasonics – Hydrophones – Characteristics and calibration in the frequency range from 1 5 MHz to 40 MHz 1Scope This International Standard is applicable to . hydrophones employing piezoelectric sensor elements,designed to measure the pulsedand continuous-wave ultrasonic fields generated by ultrasonic equipment; . hydrophones used for measurements made in water and in the frequency range between15...

IEC 62099 pdf download

IEC 62099 pdf download

IEC 62099 pdf download Fibre optic wavelength switches – Generic specification 1General 1.1Scope This International Standard applies to fibre optic wavelength switches. The term “fibre opticwavelength switch” can be used to describe a wide range of devices, assemblies and systemsboth active and passive.Therefore, it is necessary to elaborate on the scope and object of thisstandard.This specification is intended to cover...

IEC 62104 pdf download

IEC 62104 pdf download

IEC 62104 pdf download Characteristics of DAB receivers 1 scope This International Standard describes the digital audio broadcasting (DAB) receivercharacteristics for consumer equipment intended for terrestrial and cable reception operating inband lll and L-band and for satellite reception in L-band.Dedicated receivers for specificapplications are not within the scope of this standard. 2Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for...