
IEC 62419 pdf download

IEC 62419 pdf download

IEC 62419 pdf download Control technology – Rules for the designation of measuring instruments
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
measuring instrument
device intended to be used to make measurements,alone or in conjunction withsupplementary devices
[IEv 311-03-01]
[ISO/IEC Guide 99,3.1]
NOTE 1 Material measures are also measuring instruments.
NOTE 2 An instrument is also a measuring instrument if its output is transmitted, converted, processed or storedand cannot be perceived directly by the observer.
NOTE 3 The designation measuring instrument without any supplementary designation components should onlybe used as a generic term referring to all types of measuring instruments.In compound expressions,the term”measuring instrument” should only be used to signify a displaying measuring instrument.
EXAMPLE The Measuring Instruments and Measuring Systems catalogue (also contains,for example,signalgenerators and measuring assemblies).
displaying measuring instrumentdisplaying instrument
measuring instrument where the output signal is presented in visual form[ISOIEC Guide 99,3.4 modified]
NOTE1 Several parameters may be required to output the measured value,e.g.power and energy when referringto the supply of electrical energy-
NOTE 2 The output measured value can refer directly to the measured quantity,or it can be derived from thisusing a processing method. The processing method can be invariable, manually adjustable or programmable.
NOTE 3 Linguistic usage is not unambiguous. In lEC 60050-311 displaying measuring instruments are alsotermed “indicating (measuring) instruments “. In ISOIEC Guide 99 , displaying measuring instrument and indicatingmeasuring instrument are not synonyms.
measuring instrument with signal output
measuring instrument providing an image of the measured quantity by an output signal
NOTE 1 Several parameters may be required to output the measured value, e.g. power and energy when referringto the supply of electrical energy-
NOTE 2 The output measured value can refer directly to the measured quantity, or it can be derived from thisusing a processing method.The processing method can be invariable, manually adjustable or programmable.
material measure
measuring instrument reproducing or supplying,in a permanent manner during its use,quantities of one or more given kinds, each with an assigned quantity value
[isO/IEC Guide 99,3.6]
EXAMPLES Standard weight, volume measure,standard electric resistor, standard signal generator.NOTE A material measure can be a measurement standard.
measuring device
assembly of measuring instruments intended for specified measurement purposes
[IEV 31 1 -03-05, modified]
measuring system
complete set of measuring instruments and other equipment assembled to carry out specific measurements
[IEV 31 1 -03-06]
[ ISO/IEC Guide 99, 3.2 modified]
measuring chain
series of elements of a measuring instrument or system that constitutes the path of the measurement signal from the input to the output
[IEV 31 1 -03-07]
[ISO/IEC Guide 99, 3.1 0 modified]

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