
BS ISO 80000-3 pdf download

BS ISO 80000-3 pdf download

BS ISO 80000-3 pdf download Quantities and units — Part 3: Space and time
0.1 Arrangement of the tables
The tables of quantities and units in this lnternationa Standard are arranged so that the quantities arepresented on the left-hand pages and the units on the corresponding right-hand pages.
All units between two full lines on the right-hand pages belong to the quantities between the corresponding fulines on the left-hand pages.
Where the numbering of an item has been changed in the revision of a part of ISO 31, the number in thepreceding edition is shown in parenthesis on the lef-hand page under the new number for the quantity; a dashis used to indicate that the item in question did not appear in the preceding edition.
0.2 Tables of quantities
The names in English and in French of the most important quantities within the field of this internationaStandard are given together with their symbols and, in most cases, their definitions. These names and symbolsare recommendations. The definitions are given for identification of the quantities in the lnternational Svstem oiQuantities (ISQ), listed on the left-hand pages of the table; they are not intended to be complete
The scalar, vectorial or tensorial character of quantities is pointed out, especially when this is needed for thedefinitions.
in most cases only one name and only one symbol for the quantity are given; where two or more names or twoor more symbols are given for one quantity and no special distinction is made, they are on an equal footingWhen two types of italic letters exist (for example as with 9 and 0; 0 and ; a and a; g and g) only one of theseis given. This does not mean that the other is not equally acceptable. lt is not recommended to give suchvariants different meanings.A symbol within parenthesis implies that it is a reserve symbol, to be used when, ina particular context, the main symbol is in use with a different meaning.
In this English edition, the quantity names in French are printed in an italic font, and are preceded by fr, Thegender of the French name is indicated by (m) for male and ( for female, immediately after the noun in theFrench name.
0.3 Tables of units
0.3.1 General
The names of units for the corresponding quantities are given together with the international symbols and thedefinitions. These unit names are lanquage-dependent, but the symbols are international and the same in allanguages. For further information, see the SI Brochure (7th edition 1998) from BIPM and ISO 80000-11).
The units are arranged in the following way.

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