ASME B30.32 pdf download

ASME B30.32 pdf download

ASME B30.32 pdf download Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Used in Inspection, Testing, Maintenance, and Load- Handling Operations SECTION 32-0.1: SCOPE OF B30.32 Volume B30.32 includes provisionsthatapply to the useofunmanned aircraftsystems (UAS) to supportthe inspec-tion, testing, maintenance and load-handling operationsofequipmentaddressedin othervolumes ofthe ASME B30Standard,except ASME B30.12 SECTION 32-0.2: DEFINITIONS aircraft; a device that is used or intended to be used forflight...

ASME B30-13 pdf download

ASME B30-13 pdf download

ASME B30-13 pdf download STORAGE/RETRIEVAL (S/R)MACHINES AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT SECTION 13-0.1: SCOPE OF B30.13 Within the general scope defined in Section I ASMEB30.13 applies to storage/retrieval (S/R) machines andassociated equipment, such as aisle transfer cars andaisle equipment (as defined in para. 13-0.2.1), and inter-faces with other material handling equipment coverecunder other standards. The provisions of this Standardapplying to S/R machines...

ASME B30-20 pdf download

ASME B30-20 pdf download

ASME B30-20 pdf download Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings indicafor, internal control funcfion: an indicator whichshows that the permanent magnet material in one typeof electrically controlled permanent magnet has beenpositioned internally to provide full magnetic attractionlond (capacity), rafed: the maximum load that the liftingmagnet is designated to handle by the manufacturer.lond...

ASME B30-23 pdf download

ASME B30-23 pdf download

ASME B30-23 pdf download Personnel Lifting Systems Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings (b) Existing Installations.Equipment manufacturedand facilities constructed prior to the effective date ofthis Volume of the B30 Standard shall be subject to theinspection, testing, maintenance, and operation requirements of this Standard after the effectiye date.It is not the intent of this Volume of...

ASME B30-26 pdf download

ASME B30-26 pdf download

ASME B30-26 pdf download Rigging Hardware Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings SECTION 26-0.1: SCOPE Volume B30.26 includes provisions that apply to the construction, installation, operation, inspection, and maintenance of detachable rigging hardware used for lifting purposes in conjunction with equipment described in othevolumes of the B30 Standard. This hardware includesshackles, links, rings, swivels, turnbuckles,...

ASME B31.8S pdf download

ASME B31.8S pdf download

ASME B31.8S pdf download Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31 Supplement to ASME B31.8 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope This Code applies to onshore pipeline systems constructed with ferrous materials and that transport gas. The principles and processes embodied in integrity management are applicable to all pipeline systems. This Code is specifically designed to provide...

ASME B31.9 pdf download

ASME B31.9 pdf download

ASME B31.9 pdf download Building Services Piping 9002 Definitionsadhesive bond: a union of materials by means of anadhesive. anchor: a structural attachment device or mechanism thalprevents the movement of pipe due to thermal expansion, expansion joint thrust, and other loads. arc welding: a group of welding processes that producecoalescence of metals by heating them with an arc, withor without the...

ASME B31-8a pdf download

ASME B31-8a pdf download

ASME B31-8a pdf download CHAPTER I MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT 810.1 It is intended that all materials and equipment that will become a permanent part of any piping system constructed under this Code shall be suitable and safe for the conditions under which they are used. All such materials and equipment shall be qualified for the conditions of their use by...

ASME B31G pdf download

ASME B31G pdf download

ASME B31G pdf download Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines 1.1 Scope This document is intended solely for the purpose of providing guidance in the evaluation of metal loss in pressurized pipelines and piping systems. It is applica- ble to all pipelines and piping systems within the scope of the transportation pipeline codes that are part of...

ASME B31J pdf download

ASME B31J pdf download

ASME B31J pdf download Standard Test Method for Determining Stress Intensification Factors (i-Factors) for Metallic Piping Components 1 GENERAL The ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping and the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Nuclear Components, Subsections NC and ND piping rules require the use of stress intensification factors (i-factors or SIFs) when checking the adequacy of components...